Paper & Research Brief 20 September 2017, 11.17 Oleh: admin More CFD studies on the phenomena around counter-current flow limitations of gas/liquid two-phase flow in a model of a PWR hot leg Pengaturan Tata Kelola Gas Bumi dalam UU Migas Prediction of flooding gas velocity in gas–liquid counter-current two-phase flow in inclined pipes Effect of static contact angle on the droplet dynamics during the evaporation of a water droplet on the hot walls The effects of surface tension on flooding in counter-current two-phase flow in an inclined tube Investigation of liquid film behavior at the onset of flooding during adiabatic counter-current air–water two-phase flow in an inclined pipe Application of a new drag coefficient model at CFD-simulations on free surface flows relevant for the nuclear reactor safety analysis Gas–liquid countercurrent two-phase flow in a PWR hot leg: A comprehensive research review CFD studies on the phenomena around counter-current flow limitations of gas/liquid two-phase flow in a model of a PWR hot leg Pajak Emisi GRK dan Marginal Abatement Cost (Research Brief Juni 2021) Grid Parity dan Tren Demand PV Rooftop (ResearchBrief PSE-April 2021) Insentif Fiskal untuk Mendukung Investasi Pembangkit EBT (Research Brief PSE - Mei 2021) RBrief PSE-Mar 2021 Unduh Unduh Unduh Unduh Unduh Unduh Unduh Unduh Unduh Unduh Unduh Unduh Unduh